
It can be accessed from "core.util" or object's "util" property returned after editor creation.



check IE browser


check IE or Edge browser


Check if the current OS is OSX or IOS.


Unicode Character 'ZERO WIDTH SPACE' (U+200B)


Regular expression to find 'zero width space' (/\u200B/g)


Regular expression to find only 'zero width space' (/^\u200B+$/)


onlyZeroWidthSpace(text) → {Boolean}

A method that checks If the text is blank or to see if it contains 'ZERO WIDTH SPACE' or empty (util.zeroWidthSpace)
Name Type Description
text String|Node String value or Node

getXMLHttpRequest() → {XMLHttpRequest | ActiveXObject}

Gets XMLHttpRequest object

getValues(obj) → {Array}

Name Type Description
obj Object|null Object parameter.

camelToKebabCase(param) → {String|Array}

Convert the CamelCase To the KebabCase.
Name Type Description
param String|Array [Camel string]

kebabToCamelCase(param) → {String|Array}

Convert the KebabCase To the CamelCase.
Name Type Description
param String|Array [KebabCase string]

createElement(elementName) → {Element}

Create Element node
Name Type Description
elementName String Element name

createTextNode(text) → {Node}

Create text node
Name Type Description
text String Text contents

HTMLEncoder(contents) → {String}

The editor checks tags by string.
If there is "<" or ">" in the attribute of tag, HTML is broken when checking the tag.
When using an attribute with "<" or ">", use "HTMLEncoder" to save. (ex: math(katex))
Name Type Description
contents String HTML or Text string

HTMLDecoder(contents) → {String}

The editor checks tags by string.
If there is "<" or ">" in the attribute of tag, HTML is broken when checking the tag.
Decoder of data stored as "HTMLEncoder" (ex: math(katex))
Name Type Description
contents String HTML or Text string

hasOwn(obj, key) → {Boolean}

This method run Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(obj, key)
Name Type Description
obj Object Object
key String obj.key

getIncludePath(nameArray, extension) → {String} @deprecated

Get the the tag path of the arguments value
If not found, return the first found value
Name Type Description
nameArray Array File name array
extension String js, css

getPageStyle(doc) → {String} @deprecated

Returns the Style text that has been applied to the current page.
Name Type Description
doc Document|null To get the CSS text of an document(core._wd). If null get the current document.

getIframeDocument(iframe) → {Document}

Get the argument iframe's document object.
Name Type Description
iframe Element Iframe element (context.element.wysiwygFrame)

getAttributesToString(element, exceptAttrs) → {String}

Get attributes of argument element to string ('class="---" name="---" ')
Name Type Description
element Element Element object
exceptAttrs Array|null Array of attribute names to exclude from the result

getByteLength(text) → {Number}

Get the length in bytes of a string.
referencing code: "https://github.com/shaan1974/myrdin/blob/master/expressions/string.js#L11"
Name Type Description
text String String text

isWysiwygDiv(element) → {Boolean}

It is judged whether it is the edit region top div element or iframe's body tag.
Name Type Description
element Node The element to check

isNonEditable(element) → {Boolean}

It is judged whether it is the contenteditable property is false.
Name Type Description
element Node The element to check

isTextStyleElement(element) → {Boolean}

It is judged whether it is a node related to the text style.
Name Type Description
element Node The element to check

isFormatElement(element) → {Boolean}

It is judged whether it is the format element. (P, DIV, H[1-6], PRE, LI | class="__se__format__replace_xxx")
Format element also contain "free format Element"
Name Type Description
element Node The element to check

isRangeFormatElement(element) → {Boolean}

It is judged whether it is the range format element. (BLOCKQUOTE, OL, UL, FIGCAPTION, TABLE, THEAD, TBODY, TR, TH, TD | class="__se__format__range_xxx")
Range format element is include the format element and component.
Name Type Description
element Node The element to check

isClosureRangeFormatElement(element) → {Boolean}

It is judged whether it is the closure range format element. (TH, TD | class="__se__format__range__closure_xxx")
Closure range format elements is included in the range format element.
- Range format element is include the format element and component.
※ You cannot exit this format with the Enter key or Backspace key.
※ Use it only in special cases. ([ex] format of table cells)
Name Type Description
element Node The element to check

isFreeFormatElement(element) → {Boolean}

It is judged whether it is the free format element. (PRE | class="__se__format__free_xxx")
Free format elements is included in the format element.
Free format elements's line break is "BR" tag.
※ Entering the Enter key in the space on the last line ends "Free Format" and appends "Format".
Name Type Description
element Node The element to check

isClosureFreeFormatElement(element) → {Boolean}

It is judged whether it is the closure free format element. (class="__se__format__free__closure_xxx")
Closure free format elements is included in the free format element.
- Closure free format elements's line break is "BR" tag.
※ You cannot exit this format with the Enter key.
※ Use it only in special cases. ([ex] format of table cells)
Name Type Description
element Node The element to check

isComponent(element) → {Boolean}

It is judged whether it is the component[img, iframe, video, audio, table] cover(element className - ".se-component") and table, hr
Name Type Description
element Node The element to check

isUneditableComponent(element) → {Boolean}

Checks for "__se__uneditable" in the class list.
Components with class "__se__uneditable" cannot be modified.
Name Type Description
element Element The element to check

isMediaComponent(element) → {Boolean}

It is judged whether it is the component [img, iframe, video, audio] cover(element className - ".se-component")
Name Type Description
element Node The element to check

isNotCheckingNode(element) → {Boolean}

It is judged whether it is the not checking node. (class="katex", "__se__tag")
Name Type Description
element Node The element to check

getFormatElement(element, validation) → {Element}

If a parent node that contains an argument node finds a format node (util.isFormatElement), it returns that node.
Name Type Description
element Node Reference element if null or no value, it is relative to the current focus node.
validation Function|null Additional validation function.

getRangeFormatElement(element, validation) → {Element|null}

If a parent node that contains an argument node finds a format node (util.isRangeFormatElement), it returns that node.
Name Type Description
element Node Reference element if null or no value, it is relative to the current focus node.
validation Function|null Additional validation function.

getFreeFormatElement(element, validation) → {Element|null}

If a parent node that contains an argument node finds a free format node (util.isFreeFormatElement), it returns that node.
Name Type Description
element Node Reference element if null or no value, it is relative to the current focus node.
validation Function|null Additional validation function.

getClosureFreeFormatElement(element, validation) → {Element|null}

If a parent node that contains an argument node finds a closure free format node (util.isClosureFreeFormatElement), it returns that node.
Name Type Description
element Node Reference element if null or no value, it is relative to the current focus node.
validation Function|null Additional validation function.

copyTagAttributes(originEl, copyEl)

Add style and className of copyEl to originEl. (style, class)
Name Type Description
originEl Element Origin element
copyEl Element Element to copy

copyFormatAttributes(originEl, copyEl)

Copy and apply attributes of format tag that should be maintained. (style, class), Ignore "__se__format__" class
Name Type Description
originEl Element Origin element
copyEl Element Element to copy

getArrayItem(array, validation, multi) → {Array|Node|null}

Get the item from the array that matches the condition.
Name Type Description
array Array Array to get item
validation Function|null Conditional function
multi Boolean If true, returns all items that meet the criteria otherwise, returns an empty array.
If false, returns only one item that meet the criteria otherwise return null.

arrayIncludes(array, element) → {Boolean}

Check if an array contains an element
Name Type Description
array Array element array
element Element Element to check for

getArrayIndex(array, element) → {Number}

Get the index of the argument value in the element array
Name Type Description
array Array element array
element Element Element to find index

nextIdx(array, element) → {Number}

Get the next index of the argument value in the element array
Name Type Description
array Array element array
item Node Element to find index

prevIdx(array, element) → {Number}

Get the previous index of the argument value in the element array
Name Type Description
array Array element array
element Node Element to find index

getPositionIndex(node) → {Number}

Returns the index compared to other sibling nodes.
Name Type Description
node Node Node to find index

getNodePath(node, parentNode, _newOffsets) → {Array}

Returns the position of the "node" in the "parentNode" in a numerical array.
ex) <p><span>aa</span><span>bb</span></p> : (node: "bb", parentNode: "<P>") → [1, 0]
Name Type Description
node Node The Node to find position path
parentNode Element|null Parent node. If null, wysiwyg div area
_newOffsets Object|null If you send an object of the form "{s: 0, e: 0}", the text nodes that are attached together are merged into one, centered on the "node" argument.
"_newOffsets.s" stores the length of the combined characters after "node" and "_newOffsets.e" stores the length of the combined characters before "node".
Do not use unless absolutely necessary.

getNodeFromPath(node, parentNode) → {Array}

Returns the node in the location of the path array obtained from "util.getNodePath".
Name Type Description
offsets Array Position array, array obtained from "util.getNodePath"
parentNode Element Base parent element

isSameAttributes(a, b) → {Boolean}

Compares the style and class for equal values.
Returns true if both are text nodes.
Name Type Description
a Node Node object
b Node Node object

isEmptyLine(element) → {Boolean}

Check the line element(util.isFormatElement) is empty
Name Type Description
element Element Format element node

isSpanWithoutAttr(element) → {Boolean}

Check the span's attributes are empty.
Name Type Description
element Element|null Element node

isList(node) → {Boolean}

Check the node is a list (ol, ul)
Name Type Description
node Node|String The element or element name to check

isListCell(node) → {Boolean}

Check the node is a list cell (li)
Name Type Description
node Node|String The element or element name to check

isTable(node) → {Boolean}

Check the node is a list table (table, thead, tbody, tr, th, td)
Name Type Description
node Node|String The element or element name to check

isCell(node) → {Boolean}

Check the node is a table cell (td, th)
Name Type Description
node Node|String The element or element name to check

isBreak(node) → {Boolean}

Check the node is a break node (BR)
Name Type Description
node Node|String The element or element name to check

isAnchor(node) → {Boolean}

Check the node is a anchor node (A)
Name Type Description
node Node|String The element or element name to check

isMedia(node) → {Boolean}

Check the node is a media node (img, iframe, audio, video, canvas)
Name Type Description
node Node|String The element or element name to check

isNumber(text) → {Boolean}

Checks for numeric (with decimal point).
Name Type Description
text String|Number Text string or number

getNumber(text, maxDec) → {Number}

Get a number.
Name Type Description
text String|Number Text string or number
maxDec Number maxDec Maximum number of decimal places (-1 : Infinity)

getListChildren(element, validation) → {Array}

Get all child nodes of the argument value element (Without text node)
Name Type Description
element Element element to get child node
validation Function | null Conditional function

getListChildNodes(element, validation) → {Array}

Get all child nodes of the argument value element (Include text nodes)
Name Type Description
element Element element to get child node
validation Function | null Conditional function

getElementDepth(element) → {Number}

Returns the number of parents nodes.
"0" when the parent node is the WYSIWYG area.
"-1" when the element argument is the WYSIWYG area.
Name Type Description
element Node The element to check

compareElements(a, b) → {Object}

Compares two elements to find a common ancestor, and returns the order of the two elements.
{ ancesstor, a, b, result: (a > b ? 1 : a < b ? -1 : 0) }
Name Type Description
a Node Node to compare
b Node Node to compare

getParentElement(element, query) → {Element}

Get the parent element of the argument value.
A tag that satisfies the query condition is imported.
Returns null if not found.
Name Type Description
element Element Reference element
query String | Function Query String (nodeName, .className, #ID, :name) or validation function.
Not use it like jquery.
Only one condition can be entered at a time.

getChildElement(element, query, last) → {Element}

Get the parent child of the argument value.
A tag that satisfies the query condition is imported.
Returns null if not found.
Name Type Description
element Element Reference element
query String | Function Query String (nodeName, .className, #ID, :name) or validation function.
Not use it like jquery.
Only one condition can be entered at a time.
last Boolean If true returns the last node among the found child nodes. (default: first node)

getEdgeChildNodes(first, last) → {Object}

1. The first node of all the child nodes of the "first" element is returned.
2. The last node of all the child nodes of the "last" element is returned.
3. When there is no "last" element, the first and last nodes of all the children of the "first" element are returned.
{ sc: "first", ec: "last" }
Name Type Description
first Node First element
last Node | null Last element

getOffset(element, wysiwygFrame) → {Object}

Returns the position of the left and top of argument.
{left:0, top:0}
Name Type Description
element Node Target node
wysiwygFrame Element|null When use iframe option, iframe object should be sent (context.element.wysiwygFrame)

getOverlapRangeAtIndex(aStart, aEnd, bStart, bEnd) → {Number}

It compares the start and end indexes of "a" and "b" and returns the number of overlapping indexes in the range.
ex) 1, 5, 4, 6 => 2 (4 ~ 5)
Name Type Description
aStart Number Start index of "a"
aEnd Number End index of "a"
bStart Number Start index of "b"
bEnd Number End index of "b"

changeTxt(element, txt)

Set the text content value of the argument value element
Name Type Description
element Node Elements to replace text content
txt String Text to be applied

changeElement(icon, newIcon)

Replace element.
Name Type Description
element Element Target element
newElement String|Element String or element of the new element to apply

setStyle(element, styleName, value)

Set style, if all styles are deleted, the style properties are deleted.
Name Type Description
element Element Element to set style
styleName String Style attribute name (marginLeft, textAlign...)
value String|Number Style value

hasClass(element, className) → {Boolean}

Determine whether any of the matched elements are assigned the given class
Name Type Description
element Element Elements to search class name
className String Class name to search for

addClass(element, className)

Append the className value of the argument value element
Name Type Description
element Element Element to add class name
className String Class name to be add

removeClass(element, className)

Delete the className value of the argument value element
Name Type Description
element Element Elements to remove class name
className String Class name to be remove

toggleClass(element, className)→ {Boolean|undefined}

→ {Boolean} Argument value If there is no class name, insert it and delete the class name if it exists
Name Type Description
element Element Elements to replace class name
className String Class name to be change


In the predefined code view mode, the buttons except the executable button are changed to the 'disabled' state.
core.codeViewDisabledButtons (An array of buttons whose className is not "se-code-view-enabled") core.resizingDisabledButtons (An array of buttons whose className is not "se-resizing-enabled") * @param disabled Disabled value * @param buttonList Button array
Name Type Description
disabled Boolean Disabled value
buttonList Array|HTMLCollection|NodeList Button array


Delete argumenu value element
Name Type Description
item Node Element to be remove

removeItemAllParents(item, validation, stopParent) → {Object|null}

Delete all parent nodes that match the condition.
Returns an {sc: previousSibling, ec: nextSibling}(the deleted node reference) or null.
Name Type Description
item Node Node to be remove
validation Function|null Validation function. default(Deleted if it only have breakLine and blanks)
stopParent Element|null Stop when the parent node reaches stopParent

detachNestedList(baseNode, all) → {Element}

Detach Nested all nested lists under the "baseNode".
Returns a list with nested removed.
Name Type Description
baseNode Node Element on which to base.
all Boolean If true, it also detach all nested lists of a returned list.

splitElement(baseNode, offset, depth) → {Element}

Split all tags based on "baseNode"
Returns the last element of the splited tag.
Name Type Description
baseNode Node Element or text node on which to base
offset Number|null Text offset of "baseNode" (Only valid when "baseNode" is a text node)
depth Number The nesting depth of the element being split. (default: 0)

mergeSameTags(element, nodePathArray, onlyText) → {Array} [offset, ..]

Use with "npdePath (util.getNodePath)" to merge the same attributes and tags if they are present and modify the nodepath.
If "offset" has been changed, it will return as much "offset" as it has been modified.
An array containing change offsets is returned in the order of the "nodePathArray" array.
Name Type Description
element Element Element object
nodePathArray Array|null Array of util.getNodePath object [util.getNodePath(), ..]
onlyText Boolean If true, non-text nodes(!util._isIgnoreNodeChange) like 'span', 'strong'.. are ignored.

mergeNestedTags(element, validation)

Merge nested tags without other child nodes.
Name Type Description
element Element Element object
validation Function|String|null Validation function / String("tag1|tag2..") / If null, all tags are applicable.

removeEmptyNode(element, notRemoveNode, forceDelete)

Delete a empty child node of argument element
Name Type Description
element Element Element node
notRemoveNode Node|null Do not remove node
forceDelete Boolean When all child nodes are deleted, the parent node is also deleted.

htmlRemoveWhiteSpace(html) → {String}

Remove whitespace between tags in HTML string.
Name Type Description
html String HTML string

htmlCompress(html) → {String}

HTML code compression.
Name Type Description
html String HTML string

sortByDepth(array, des)

Sort a element array by depth of element.
Name Type Description
array Array Array object
des Boolean true: descending order / false: ascending order

createTagsWhitelist(list) → {RegExp}

Create whitelist RegExp object.
Return RegExp format: new RegExp("<\\/?\\b(?!" + list + ")\\b[^>^<]*+>", "gi")
Name Type Description
list String Tags list ("br|p|div|pre...")

createTagsBlacklist(list) → {RegExp}

Create blacklist RegExp object.
Return RegExp format: new RegExp("<\\/?\\b(?:" + list + ")\\b[^>^<]*+>", "gi")
Name Type Description
list String Tags list ("br|p|div|pre...")